TaxJar vs Avalara: Choosing the Best Sales Tax Solution

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In the dynamic world of e-commerce, navigating sales tax compliance is essential.  TaxJar and Avalara are top players in this space, leaving businesses to choose the right platform. This article compares TaxJar and Avalara, examining their features, benefits, and drawbacks to help you make the best choice for your business.

Understanding the Basics

TaxJar Overview

TaxJar is a cloud-based sales tax automation platform that simplifies the complexities of sales tax compliance for businesses of all sizes. Established in 2013, TaxJar has become a trusted solution known for its user-friendly interface and robust features catering to the needs of e-commerce merchants. Using advanced algorithms, TaxJar automates the process of calculating sales tax based on the latest rates, ensuring accuracy and compliance with state regulations. The platform's strengths lie in its detailed sales tax reporting capabilities, providing businesses with insights and facilitating accurate returns. Moreover, TaxJar seamlessly integrates with a wide range of e-commerce platforms, accounting software, and marketplaces, streamlining the sales tax management process and making it a preferred choice for businesses navigating the dynamic landscape of e-commerce taxation.

Key features of TaxJar include:

1.    Automated Sales Tax Calculations: TaxJar automates the process of calculating sales tax based on the latest rates, ensuring accuracy and compliance with state regulations.
2.    Sales Tax Reporting: The platform provides detailed sales tax reports, making it easier for businesses to file their returns accurately and on time.
3.    Integration Capabilities: TaxJar seamlessly integrates with a wide range of e-commerce platforms, accounting software, and marketplaces, streamlining the sales tax management process.

Avalara Overview

Avalara, founded in 2004, stands as a global leader in cloud-based tax compliance solutions, specializing in various tax types such as sales tax, VAT, and excise tax. With a reputation for serving businesses across industries and sizes, Avalara offers a comprehensive suite of tax compliance solutions. One of its standout features is real-time tax calculations, ensuring accurate and up-to-date rates are applied to transactions. The platform's robust integration capabilities enable seamless connectivity with numerous business systems, providing scalability for growing enterprises and adaptability to diverse business ecosystems. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, Avalara offers a range of resources, including documentation, webinars, and a dedicated support team, making it a preferred choice for businesses navigating the intricate landscape of tax compliance.

Key features of Avalara include:

1.    Comprehensive Tax Compliance: Avalara offers a comprehensive suite of tax compliance solutions, covering a wide range of tax types and jurisdictions.
2.    Real-Time Tax Calculations: The platform provides real-time tax calculations, ensuring accurate and up-to-date rates are applied to transactions.
3.    Integration and Scalability: Avalara integrates seamlessly with numerous business systems, providing scalability for growing enterprises and adaptability to diverse business ecosystems.

Feature-by-Feature Comparison

1. Sales Tax Calculations:

TaxJar employs advanced algorithms to automatically calculate sales tax based on the latest rates, taking into account product taxability and jurisdiction-specific rules. The platform is known for its accuracy in calculating taxes across various states and localities.

Avalara's real-time tax calculations are a standout feature, ensuring that businesses apply the correct rates to transactions at the point of sale. The platform's extensive database and constant updates contribute to its accuracy in handling complex tax scenarios.

2. Sales Tax Reporting:

TaxJar provides businesses with detailed sales tax reports, simplifying the process of tax filing returns. The reports generated by TaxJar offer insights into sales tax collected, exempt sales, and other relevant metrics, facilitating compliance with state regulations.

Avalara's reporting capabilities are robust, offering detailed insights into transaction data. The platform goes beyond sales tax reporting, providing comprehensive reports for various tax types, making it a preferred choice for businesses dealing with multiple tax obligations.

3. Integration Capabilities:

TaxJar boasts a wide array of integrations with popular e-commerce platforms, marketplaces, and accounting software. This seamless integration ensures that businesses can sync their sales data effortlessly, minimizing manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

Avalara is renowned for its adaptability and integration capabilities. The platform integrates with a vast ecosystem of business applications, allowing for a smooth flow of data between systems. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with complex IT infrastructures.

4. Customer Support:

TaxJar is recognized for its excellent customer support, offering responsive assistance via various channels. The platform provides documentation, tutorials, and a dedicated support team to help businesses navigate any challenges related to sales tax compliance.

Avalara prioritizes customer support, offering a range of resources such as documentation, webinars, and a support team ready to address queries. The platform's commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in its consistent efforts to enhance user experience and address user concerns promptly.

Pricing Models

TaxJar adopts a subscription-based pricing model, with costs varying based on the business's sales volume and the features required. The platform typically offers tiered plans to accommodate businesses of different sizes, providing scalability as the business grows.

Avalara's pricing is often tailored to the specific needs of each business, taking into account factors such as transaction volume, industry, and the complexity of tax obligations. While this personalized approach may result in higher costs for some businesses, it ensures that the pricing aligns with the value derived from the platform.

The Verdict:

Choosing between TaxJar and Avalara ultimately depends on the unique needs and preferences of your business. Both TaxJar and Avalara platforms offer robust solutions for sales tax compliance, each with its strengths and considerations.
•    If your business primarily deals with sales tax and seeks a user-friendly platform with a straightforward pricing structure, TaxJar may be the ideal choice.
•    On the other hand, if your business deals with multiple tax types, operates in various jurisdictions, and requires a scalable solution with extensive integration capabilities, Avalara may be the preferred option.


thorough consideration of your business requirements, budget constraints, and growth projections will guide you toward the best-suited sales tax solution. Whether you opt for TaxJar or Avalara, the key is to leverage the chosen platform's features to streamline your sales tax compliance processes, ensuring accuracy and peace of mind in an ever-changing regulatory landscape.

How Global FPO Tax Experts help you in Sales tax Compliance?

Global FPO Tax Experts is your trusted ally in achieving seamless sales tax compliance, whether you choose TaxJar vs Avalara. Our expert team collaborates with your business to optimize the integration and utilization of these powerful platforms. With TaxJar, we ensure automated and accurate sales tax calculations, leveraging its advanced algorithms and integration capabilities. Similarly, with Avalara, we harness real-time tax calculations and extensive integration features to enhance your compliance processes. Our tailored approach aligns with the unique strengths of each platform, providing you with a comprehensive solution that fits your specific business requirements. Partnering with Global FPO Tax Experts ensures that you maximize the benefits of Avalara vs TaxJar, making sales tax compliance an efficient and worry-free aspect of your operations.


1.    Q: Why is sales tax compliance crucial for e-commerce businesses?
A: Sales tax compliance ensures that businesses adhere to local and state regulations, avoiding legal repercussions and fostering trust with customers. It is a crucial aspect of financial management in the e-commerce landscape.

2.    Q: How does TaxJar's automated sales tax calculation benefit businesses?
A: TaxJar's advanced algorithms automate the calculation process, incorporating the latest rates and rules. This not only ensures accuracy but also saves time for finance teams, allowing them to focus on strategic aspects of the business.

3.    Q: Can Avalara handle real-time tax calculations for complex transactions?
A: Yes, Avalara's real-time tax calculations are designed to handle complex scenarios, such as tiered tax rates and product-specific exemptions. The platform's extensive database and constant updates contribute to its accuracy in handling intricate tax calculations.

4.    Q: How customizable are TaxJar's sales tax reports?
A: TaxJar's reporting tools offer a high degree of customization, allowing businesses to tailor reports according to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that businesses can extract actionable insights that go beyond mere compliance.

5.    Q: Does Avalara provide support for businesses dealing with multiple tax obligations?
A: Yes, Avalara's reporting capabilities extend beyond sales tax, covering various tax types. This makes it a preferred choice for businesses dealing with multiple tax obligations, offering comprehensive reports to streamline overall tax management.

6.    Q: What sets TaxJar's integration capabilities apart?
A: TaxJar seamlessly integrates with a wide range of e-commerce platforms, marketplaces, and accounting software. Its user-friendly integration process and compatibility with popular plugins make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to streamline their sales tax management process.

7.    Q: How can businesses determine the most cost-effective solution between TaxJar and Avalara?
A: To determine the most cost-effective solution, businesses should evaluate their sales volume, specific needs, and growth projections. TaxJar's subscription-based pricing model and Avalara's personalized pricing approach cater to different business scenarios, ensuring alignment with the value derived from each platform.

Tags: sales tax software, TaxJar, Avalara

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